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FOL Activation™

When booking your session please leave a contact number or email. We start tuning in and making alignments immediately.  As soon as things are 'good to go' as it were, the activation will begin (session start).  It is good if you are relaxed and resting but not imperative.  You will be notified when the session is completed.  Further adjustments are also made according to need.  Lady Lile will keep in touch and ask for feedback via text or website chat for updates. Unfortunately, even modern websites don't have online booking systems with the fluidity for the type of complex system of the being that you are! Blessings Eve

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The Universe as I see it is somewhat like the Flower of Life, it is also like a Matrix, and also rather like Honeycomb. Everything interconnects and each one of us has our own Honeycomb flower matrix surrounding us which connects our being, spirit, soul body, and body to everywhere and here.  

Many people are familiar with the Fool Tarot card, it is the beginning of the journey through the tarot deck – some might see it as the archetypal Jester in the Royal Court, and yet those who know, simply know that the Fool is much more than this. Neurologically the Fool is assigned the number 0 the beginning and the end – all of creation is within this cosmic egg. The Fool is the Spirit of Æther.  It is assigned to the fire letter ALEPH (one of the three mothers of Creation) The top of Aleph sits on the bottom and the bottom supports the top - they are identical.

The flower of life has long been known as the symbol of creation and unity with all.  It begins with the start of all creation (one circle) from that one thing all things are possible and all things are held within.  

The Particular Clan Mother I worked with for this Modality (there are a group of 15 European Goddesses) told me that this will connect all space, time, places and dimensions for each individual according to need; working on all bodies - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

The session will activate the Diamond star body and the new DNA coding for Ascension.

This will help boost the immune system and may offer virus protection to the degree each individual accepts.  

FOL Activation is given via remote healing session to activate and illuminate the flower of life within all aspects of your being.  This modality works immediately on the spiritual, sou, mental and physical bodies increasing the bodies ability to fight dis-ease & boost the immune system.  It connects the upper and lower, inner and outer realms of the "honeycomb flower matrix" as I call it,  to cleanse and heal,  bringing divine clarity for each individuals needs.

Book on the bookings page for immediate session

As a long term sufferer of Auto-immune disease and fibromyalgia I am definitely seeing the benefits on self. 

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Straight From The Source

Totally amazing. Before we started I was so tired and the pain in my back was so painful. I had a chest infection. It has totally gone. When we started I had to sit down as I was feeling really relaxed. I went into a white space. I started to see Angels. They were working on my chest and I could feel the pain clearing from my chest and right up through my respiratory channels into my nose and head and then I could hear you saying now I want you to concentrate on your breath and relax. We were in a dark space and I could see us moving up into space outside earth. I was witnessing all of this. I could see us floating in space all holding hands and leaving planet earth. I could see our amazing blue planet. We left space through a porthole and went into the beautiful white space where I initially was when the healing started. where we were floating together still holding hands together. Then suddenly I was on like a dentists chair in a room and they were working on me but I knew i had left the planet. Then I could see the honeycomb all around me. I was connecting to the universe and to everything. I haven’t been that relaxed in a very long time. I could feel myself going out then. I feel really energised and so relaxed like nothing really matters with no worries. Such a wonderful experience. I don’t usually remember anything. I also grateful for your amazing work Josephine.


This is great work and so glad I got to experience it! In my experience i felt lifted out and placed into something like a protective light apparatus around me ..then anchored! Following that I went through a massive physical clearing ..headache, cold, temperature ..but totally fine now and been just getting on with work. I've been totally calm and mostly oblivious to CV19.


We both felt the energy in our head, brow and eyes, really strong at the beginning. Felt like space was being filled in my body. I felt it deeply in left side of face and chest. I feel more awake now. My chest pain and headache is also gone. And my appetite returned. X


I felt invigorated after it but then got tired very quickly. It feels like I have been reset too as negativity has been taken out somewhere although I do not consciously know what it is.

I recognised a few days ago that I must raise my vibration in order to overcome the virus that I have been attracting and that is what they told me during my experience of the healing that this healing will raise the vibration  of the client and that is what has happened to me. I feel tired now but free because negativity has been released. Amazing work


Very interesting energy, Josephine. I can see the unfolding merkabah,  the flower of life. It is really vivid. You amaze me. I want to learn how to do this modality. I love your work.

Laurie S

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the path of initiation

Greetings and welcome, I am Josephine. Thank you for joining me at Celtic Cabala and allowing me to introduce myself to you.

My journey into the light started as a small child when I used to lie in bed and get visited by other people who were not quite human. Mostly I would pop through the ceiling, or they would pop through my window and we would go and visit other places and other realms where I would “grow” a bit more deep pink goo from my heart and pull it out and give it to whichever person or being who needed it allowing them to heal. There was always plenty. I always had enough.

I realise now, that the beings who used to visit me were actually our half brothers and sisters, the other root races from when Michael was married to Lilleth before Eve…..intrigued…mmmmm, so was I.  That was just one of the beautiful ah-ha moments I had as I started on my journey on the path of Initiation, as an Adept.

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Experience You Can Trust

I find so much joy in helping my clients reach their highest potential. My psychic guidance comes from a deep soul level and unconditional love. My clients find that the channeled message they receive from their spirits and angels provide extremely helpful and healing guidance. Take a look at all of the services I offer below, and start connecting with the outside universe today.



One hour reading using the cards, dowsing, runes to answer your most important questions - be it wealth, health, realtionship, job, emotional situations, "where is my life going?" - whatever the issue, confidential guidance is available




Hand made specifically for you according to your time and date of birth with the correct planetary alignments and empowered for your specific requests for you to burn at home. Full instructions given




This has become one of the most popular sessions ever.  If you can formulate and ask the question, Sandalphon and Eve will answer. Dedicated to personal empowerment and the evolution of the soul, they are here to serve.  Be prepared to recorcd on your side.




  • if you can imagine it, you can have it

    If life is not going to plan, plan what you want and during the private session the wheel team and Lady Lile will look into your 12 possible realities and turn your wheel to line up life according to your disires.

  • You will have a planning session beforehand to discuss all the possibilities.  Be prepared to record at your end.

    There must be a financial exchange for these sessions - no exceptions 



£111 (usually £222)

  •  Sandalphon has the capacity to open the gates to bring into congruency all your lifetimes through all space, time, dimensions, parallel universes, solar systems and all realities both forwards and backwards right to the point of origin.  No matter how many hundres or thousands of lifetimes you may have had, all things are brought into congruency NOW to eunsure that you have access to the lessons, gifts, activations and initiations to enable you to live your life in the fullest way possible.

  • No more waiting

    Sandalphon is the only Archangel who has access to these gateways to enable clearing of the lifetimes in this way.  You will be guided with the Therapist to bring forward the appropriate lifetimes to clean, clear and heal, now.  A totally empowering experience, needed once in a lifetime only. 

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"To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge"


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Ascension Activation

As one descends to the Earth realm through the various realms of Spirit many different emanations i.e. Lives are experienced.  Some of these are ‘off planet’ and some of these are as guides to other human beings where “you” reside in the aura of that person gathering experiences to add to the being that you are who will one day incarnate on this earth.

 You can have many hundreds or thousands of these experiences i.e. past life experiences.

Upon arrival to the Earth plane, (Although shielded and somewhat forgotten) each individual can have access to the memories of the emanations and incarnations of spirit to draw upon so that the soul can get the most from the experience of Earth life and evolution here to

  1. progress and evolve spiritually for self and 

  2. assist in the progress and ascension for the rest of the beings on this planet.

At times, these myriad lives can become confusing and tangled, and rather than gain the insight and best teachings we would like (and as was intended) translation is lost, the initiations of spirit do not always click into place, spiritual graces do not come into play and personal empowerment sometimes misses it’s ideal window.

Congruency Reset is designed to bring each and everyone of the past emanations into line with self now and any future and parallel time lines, in all time space and dimensions.  With the assistance of your own higher self and Sandalphon (the Archangel of Malkuth - aka the Garden of Eden and the Divine Template) you will bring all of those life times into one place which is NOW.  You will access the codes of Ascension and have access too, and greater understanding of your life purpose, feeling more settled, more balanced and (if you should choose) ready to take on board the Higher Teachings offered in the Here and Now.

Sandalphon is the only Archangel who has access to these gateways to enable clearing of the lifetimes in this way.  You will be guided with the Therapist to bring forward the appropriate lifetimes to clean, clear and heal, now.  A totally empowering experience, needed once in a lifetime only. 

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Upcoming Events

  • Sandalphon's Power Week 1
    Sandalphon's Power Week 1
    Fri, 16 Oct
    16 Oct 2020, 10:00 – 23 Oct 2020, 19:00
    Oxfordshire, Oxfordshire, UK
    16 Oct 2020, 10:00 – 23 Oct 2020, 19:00
    Oxfordshire, Oxfordshire, UK
    Brand New Teachers Programme for Europe. New Modalities never taught before (as well as some of your old favourites)
  • Elemental Adept
    Elemental Adept
    Fri, 19 Jun
    Location is TBD
    19 Jun 2020, 16:30 – 21 Jun 2020, 18:00
    Location is TBD
    19 Jun 2020, 16:30 – 21 Jun 2020, 18:00
    Location is TBD
    Due to the nature of today's Health Concerns i.e. COVID19, this event may need to be postponed - we will let you know if this is the case
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